November 21, 2009

118. The Wipers: Youth of America

10 1/2 minutes? Yikes. It's basically a 3 1/2 minute song with a jam tacked on at the end. You get some spoken word kicking in at the 5 1/2 minute mark (yes, I'm basically just proving to the faithful that I listened to the whole thing). Then we get into a Bela Lugosi's Dead-style whoosh and whoop and feedback period, with the song kicking in at 8 1/2 minutes again. I really expected it to go somewhere at this point, but it just kind of does the chorus again and devolves for the next 2 minutes.

Wikipedia has some interesting stuff about how Greg Sage, the lead singer, was obsessed with cutting records as a kid (actually making them) and had equipment and used to study record grooves under a microscope. This song sounds exactly like it was made by someone who never lost sight of what the music he was making would look like

The riff here is excellent. Spooky stuff (but not to my son Xavier, who says "not spooky"), with a lot to it, a little winddown at the end of the bar. It carries the song, but not for anywhere close to 10 minutes.


1 comment:

  1. I'm a fan of this band The Wipers were a punk rock group formed in Portland, Oregon, they have a perfect courage and they make people vibrate with their songs, the video is prove of that.m10m
