November 21, 2009

119. Flipper: Sex Bomb

Song starts off in the fuzzy bass end of the spectrum with a slowish rhythm laid down, then comes the oddly enchanting whistle and shortly thereafter a saxophone making it a true cacaphony before the screaming vocals kick in. You get the sense very early on that the song isn't really going to be going anywhere, no chorus, just a jazz-ish variation on a theme, with more instruments/noises than you can really recognize being added in, many making only cameos.

PF500 says "Fools at the time took them as a bad joke." Not a good sign.

7 1/2 minute song? Not a good sign.

One, repeated lyric ("Sex Bomb Baby, Yeah!"). Not a good sign.

Someone should have cut them off at 3 minutes, tightened up the production and explained to them that they weren't jazz musicians.

I wouldn't not fuck to this song, however.


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