Jello Biafra's voice is such an acquired taste, around 25 years after first hearing it, I'm still acquiring it. I'm not quite there yet. This song is straight out of the nihilistic/political punk, which always felt more aligned with the music to me than any straight Reagan bashing.
Here the target is more on the left, with Jello inviting lefties to go ahead and hang out in Cambodia if they love it all so much:
So you been to school; For a year or two
And you know you've seen it all; In daddy's car
Thinkin' you'll go far; Back east your type don't crawl
Play ethnicky jazz; To parade your snazz
On your five grand stereo; Braggin' that you know
How the niggers feel cold; And the slums got so much soul
I do believe this is PF500's second "use of the n-word by a white group" sighting, although I feel safe that this will be the last.
So with shaky vocals but an interesting set of lyrics, that leaves the music. The music is long-form (i.e., mediocre) punk, with lots of minor chord variations and a few too many echo effects.
RATING: 52 (59 due to the repeated chant of "Pol Pot" in the last 20 seconds of the song)
Hey, I'm really enjoying this blog as someone who downloaded all the songs months ago but hasn't actually read the source material... if you want, I can send you the songs you don't have (some of them are quite good, especially "Kiss Me Again," which was the best discovery for me in the whole list).