September 19, 2009

108. Michael Jackson: Billie Jean

Wanna Be Startin' Something seems to me to be the choice, here, if only because we get surreal "you're a vegetable" Michael. I've always felt in that song you got Michael saying "I'm doing surreal lyrics, I'm bringing in multiple instruments, I'm making this song go 2 minutes longer than it should," and I'm not even bringing up mamasaymamasamamamusa (I know, it kinda was Quincy saying all that, but still...)

I'm sounding too disappointed. Billie Jean is very solid, even before considering the video (but "Billie Jean" is actually mentioned in Wanna Be Startin' Something!?!).

The most surprising thing to me when I listen to Michael Jackson is that he's such a storyteller. From Thriller and thereafter, his best songs tend to put you in the middle of a particular situation (which is why Black and White sucks).

Much has been written about Jackson since his death. I tend to agree with the "we're really going to ignore that he was a total freak for 15 years?" school of thought, but the music is excellent. My kids, who slough off music all over the place, ask to hear Michael's songs. "Play a different one that's good" they say. And I always can find one.


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