March 23, 2009

84. The Fall: Totally Wired

The drums start, and it just might be MY SHARONA (we are in the 1980-1982 section, after all), but thankfully it's not. Instead it's a weird little song that's kinda cool.

If Cab Calloway did punk, this is what it would sound like. The call and response between the bandleader and the band is in full effect here, with the "we're 10 feet away from the mike" effect being employed to great effect.

The music does very little, with the lead guitar sounding like a guitar full of bees being shaken around (I know that makes no sense, but that's what it sounds like), but it's the lead singer that does all the work here.

He's totally wired because a drank a "jar of coffee" and "took some of these!" "My heart and I agree!"


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