I used to have an old Ear Mail magazine from 1992 or so that had all kinds of Goth bands' new albums catalogued. The write-ups for nearly all of the bands were ludicrous, but one in particular stood out for its ending: "You beg them to stop. You beg for more." PF500 ends its section here by claiming that this song "documents the moment that Costello stepped outside of himself and, for the first time, failed to grasp what he saw." I know, I know, fish in a barrel and all that (Eric Harvey, please have a seat next to Mr. (Ms.?) Dominique Leone and Ms. (Mr.?) Nitsuh Abebe on the "not worth reading" list).
Multi-tracked multiple Costellos in echo chambers tear through this quick lyricked song. Elvis starts singing in second 6 and pretty much never stops for any instruments-only sections. I count at least 4 Elvises taking turns here: introspective Elvis; high-pitched Elvis; deep-voiced Elvis; high energy muffled effect Elvis pops out in the first chorus.
While the vocals do the majority of the work here, some cymbal-heavy drums, some great up and down effects on the organ add quite a bit.
This song gets it done and gets out in 153 tight seconds.
RATING: 85 (my fave that I'd never heard before!)
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